Saturday, February 9, 2013

Twice as Mad Tom IPA

This beer, from Muskoka Brewing in Bracebridge, Ontario, is a double or Imperial IPA. Beer Advocate describes this style of beer as an India Pale Ale on steroids.

The head is light with an off-white colour. The beer itself is a slightly opaque orange when it is first poured, but turns clear once it’s been in the glass for a while.

Although my sense of smell was impaired a little from a cold, the strong citrus hop aroma was still quite noticeable. The taste is similarly citrusy and hoppy.

For someone who is familiar with double IPAs this beer is nothing out of the ordinary as far as robust mouthfeel and high alcohol content (8.4%) go. But for those who are IPA newbies I would suggest starting off with a less imposing, “regular” IPA, such as Half Pints’ Little Scrapper. Muskoka also brews a less strong version of this beer called Mad Tom IPA.


  1. Yum -- that sounds like it might go well with a spicy lamb curry.

  2. I really liked this beer. It wasn't the in your face hops that Mad Tom is but still delicious.
